


  • 鼠标左键单击图表数据元素时会弹出文本框显示最近的数据元素的坐标值。
  • 鼠标右键单击文本框取消显示数据光标。
  • d键时切换显示/关闭数据光标。




pip install mpldatacursor

如果matplotlib版本高于3.3,虽然pip安装成功,但是运行案例时会出现AttributeError: 'ScalarFormatter' object has no attribute 'pprint_val'错误。


try:  # Again, older versions of mpl  return formatter.pprint_val(x)except AttributeError:  # 3.3.0 or later  return formatter.format_data_short(x)

通过分析,预计是因为使用了国内pip源,mpldatacursor包还未修复该问题(pip 安装的 mpldatacursor包版本号是0.7.1)。


下载源码,进行源码安装(源码安装的 mpldatacursor包版本号是0.7.dev0)。

python install




  • mpldatacursor包中导入datacursor函数。
  • 应用datacursor函数。







  • datacursor函数可以不提供参数,这样图像内所有数据元素都会应用交互式数据光标。
  • datacursor函数可以指定哪些数据元素应用交互式数据光标。
def datacursor(artists=None, axes=None, **kwargs):  """  Create an interactive data cursor for the specified artists or specified  axes. The data cursor displays information about a selected artist in a  "popup" annotation box.  If a specific sequence of artists is given, only the specified artists will  be interactively selectable. Otherwise, all manually-plotted artists in  *axes* will be used (*axes* defaults to all axes in all figures).  Parameters  -----------  artists : a matplotlib artist or sequence of artists, optional    The artists to make selectable and display information for. If this is    not specified, then all manually plotted artists in `axes` will be    used.  axes : a matplotlib axes of sequence of axes, optional    The axes to selected artists from if a sequence of artists is not    specified. If `axes` is not specified, then all available axes in all    figures will be used.  tolerance : number, optional    The radius (in points) that the mouse click must be within to select    the artist. Default: 5 points.  formatter : callable, optional    A function that accepts arbitrary kwargs and returns a string that will    be displayed with annotate. Often, it is convienent to pass in the    format method of a template string, e.g.    ``formatter="{label}".format``.    Keyword arguments passed in to the `formatter` function:      `x`, `y` : floats        The x and y data coordinates of the clicked point      `event` : a matplotlib ``PickEvent``        The pick event that was fired (note that the selected        artist can be accessed through ``event.artist``).      `label` : string or None        The legend label of the selected artist.      `ind` : list of ints or None        If the artist has "subitems" (e.g. points in a scatter or        line plot), this will be a list of the item(s) that were        clicked on. If the artist does not have "subitems", this        will be None. Note that this is always a list, even when        a single item is selected.    Some selected artists may supply additional keyword arguments that    are not always present, for example:      `z` : number        The "z" (usually color or array) value, if present. For an        ``AxesImage`` (as created by ``imshow``), this will be the        uninterpolated array value at the point clicked. For a        ``PathCollection`` (as created by ``scatter``) this will be the        "c" value if an array was passed to "c".      `i`, `j` : ints        The row, column indicies of the selected point for an        ``AxesImage`` (as created by ``imshow``)      `s` : number        The size of the selected item in a ``PathCollection`` if a size        array is specified.      `c` : number        The array value displayed as color for a ``PathCollection``        if a "c" array is specified (identical to "z").      `point_label` : list        If `point_labels` is given when the data cursor is initialized        and the artist has "subitems", this will be a list of the items        of `point_labels` that correspond to the selected artists.        Note that this is always a list, even when a single artist is        selected.      `width`, `height`, `top`, `bottom` : numbers        The parameters for ``Rectangle`` artists (e.g. bar plots).  point_labels : sequence or dict, optional    For artists with "subitems" (e.g. Line2D's), the item(s) of    `point_labels` corresponding to the selected "subitems" of the artist    will be passed into the formatter function as the "point_label" kwarg.    If a single sequence is given, it will be used for all artists with    "subitems". Alternatively, a dict of artist:sequence pairs may be given    to match an artist to the correct series of point labels.  display : {"one-per-axes", "single", "multiple"}, optional    Controls whether more than one annotation box will be shown.    Default: "one-per-axes"  draggable : boolean, optional    Controls whether or not the annotation box will be interactively    draggable to a new location after being displayed. Defaults to False.  hover : boolean, optional    If True, the datacursor will "pop up" when the mouse hovers over an    artist. Defaults to False. Enabling hover also sets    `display="single"` and `draggable=False`.  props_override : function, optional    If specified, this function customizes the parameters passed into the    formatter function and the x, y location that the datacursor "pop up"    "points" to. This is often useful to make the annotation "point" to a    specific side or corner of an artist, regardless of the position    clicked. The function is passed the same kwargs as the `formatter`    function and is expected to return a dict with at least the keys "x"    and "y" (and probably several others).    Expected call signature: `props_dict = props_override(**kwargs)`  keybindings : boolean or dict, optional    By default, the keys "d" and "t" will be bound to deleting/hiding all    annotation boxes and toggling interactivity for datacursors,    respectively. If keybindings is False, the ability to hide/toggle    datacursors interactively will be disabled. Alternatively, a dict of    the form {'hide':'somekey', 'toggle':'somekey'} may specified to    customize the keyboard shortcuts.  date_format : string, optional    The strftime-style formatting string for dates. Used only if the x or y    axes have been set to display dates. Defaults to "%x %X".  display_button: int, optional    The mouse button that will triggers displaying an annotation box.    Defaults to 1, for left-clicking. (Common options are 1:left-click,    2:middle-click, 3:right-click)  hide_button: int or None, optional    The mouse button that triggers hiding the selected annotation box.    Defaults to 3, for right-clicking. (Common options are 1:left-click,    2:middle-click, 3:right-click, None:hiding disabled)  keep_inside : boolean, optional    Whether or not to adjust the x,y offset to keep the text box inside the    figure. This option has no effect on draggable datacursors. Defaults to    True. Note: Currently disabled on OSX and NbAgg/notebook backends.  **kwargs : additional keyword arguments, optional    Additional keyword arguments are passed on to annotate.  Returns  -------  dc : A ``mpldatacursor.DataCursor`` instance  """


import matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport numpy as npfrom mpldatacursor import datacursordata = np.outer(range(10), range(1, 5))fig, ax = plt.subplots()lines = ax.plot(data)ax.set_title('Click somewhere on a line')datacursor()



import matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport numpy as npfrom mpldatacursor import datacursorfig, ax = plt.subplots()line1 = ax.plot([1,3])line2 = ax.plot([1,2])ax.set_title('Click somewhere on a line')datacursor(line1)







到此这篇关于matplotlib交互式数据光标mpldatacursor的实现 的文章就介绍到这了,更多相关matplotlib交互式数据光标内容请搜索 以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章希望大家以后多多支持 !

